Event Countdown

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About Science on Tap

Science on Tap

Science on Tap is a monthly event held at the Wolverine Letterpress & Publick House that fosters a casual atmosphere where open and informal discussion can occur between scientists and members of the community. 
Science on Tap gives local researchers and scientists a chance to talk about what they do and communicate the importance of their research to the general public. 

Discussion between speakers and audience members is always highly encouraged.

Science on Tap audience 

Occasionally, we also hold special talks that focus on in the news science topics in order to help disseminate factual, useful and timely information.

The event is free and no background knowledge is needed. We only ask that you bring an open mind and respectful attitude.

To see pictures of past meetings or to check out future events visit out our Facebook page!

WHEN: 6:30 pm. Usually held on the last Monday of the month, specific dates announced here and on our Facebook page

WHERE: Wolverine Letterpress & Publick House