Event Countdown

How long until the next event (at )?


We've been able to record some of our sessions!!

We will be adding more videos as they become available, so check back often! 

Dr. Jennifer Barfield: Bison in You Backyard

Dr. Jennifer Barfield is an assistant professor of reproductive physiology at Colorado State University in the Department of Biological Sciences, where she co-runs a masters program in assisted reproductive technologies.

Jen has served as the lead scientist on the northern Colorado purebred bison reintroduction project, which is the topic of this talk.

This talk was given on October 26th, 2015, at Patero's Creek brewery in Fort Collins, Colorado.  The talk is about thirty minutes long, and is followed by a fifteen minute Q&A session.
For more information about Science of Tap Fort Collins, visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SATFOCO

Dale Broder: The Amazing Evolving Guppie 

Dale Broder researches animal behavior, evolutionary ecology, fisheries biology, and science communication and outreach in the Colorado State University Department of Biology.  Her talk focuses on the use of guppies as a tool for teaching evolution to K-12 students.

This talk was given on August 31st, 2015, at Patero's Creek Brewery in Fort Collins, CO.  There is an extensive Q&A session beginning at about the 41 minute mark.

For more information about Science of Tap Fort Collins, see our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SATFOCO

Measles, Rubella, Morbilli...Oh My!

Dr. Tony Schountz is an associate professor in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology at Colorado State University.  He is a faculty member of the Arthropod-borne and Infectious Diseases Laboratory within the Department.

Dr. Schountz's talk begins at roughly 8 minutes.  There is a brief Q&A at roughly 48 minutes.
This talk was recorded on March 30th, 2015 at Pateros Creek Brewing Co. in Fort Collins, CO, as part of the Science on Tap series.

For more information about Science on Tap Fort Collins, including future talks, check out our Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/SATFOCO

Perspectives On the Majesty and Tragedy of Wild Elephants

Dr. George Wittemyer is an assistant professor in the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology at Colorado State University.  He is also the Scientific Board Chairman of Save the Elephants.


Dr. Wittenmyer's talk is roughly 28 minutes long.  The remainder of this video is the Q&A session.
This talk was recorded on April 27th, 2015 at Pateros Creek Brewing Co. in Fort Collins, CO, as part of the Science on Tap series.

For more information about Science on Tap Fort Collins, including future talks, check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SATFOCO

Lousy Sex: How Undressing Pill Bugs Proves We are Not Who We Think We Are 

Dr. Gerald Callahan presents: "Lousy sex: how undressing pill bugs proves we are not who we think we are."This talk was given at Pateros Creek Brewing Company in Fort Collins, CO, on February 23rd, 2015. Science on Tap talks take place once a month at Pateros Creek.

For more information, visit us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SATFOCO

Dr. Callahan holds joint appointments in the in the departments of English and Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology at Colorado State University. He teaches courses in human disease, animal disease, veterinary immunology, construction of self in the arts and sciences, and creative science writing, and writing scientific manuscripts.